New Horizons Genealogy specializes in New England and New York Colonial American Genealogy, Ancestry and Family History. Our record collections include, Vital records, Arnold Collection of Rhode Island Vital Records, Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records, Colonial and State Census records, Federal and State Census Mortality Schedules, Cemetery records, 1840 Census of Pensioners and Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in New York State. We also include links to other quality genealogy records to help make these collections as complete as possible.
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Our Popular Genealogy Collections
Cemetery Records
- Specializing in the early (pre 1940) cemetery records.
- Connecticut Cemetery Records
- Massachusetts Cemetery Records
- New York State Cemetery Records
- New York State Revolutionary War Soldier Burials
- Vermont Cemetery Records
Census Records:
- 1774 Census of the Inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode Island and Probidence Plantations
- 1840 Census of Pensioners
- New York State Colonial and State Census records
- Massachusetts Federal Census Mortality Schedules
- New York State Federal and State Census Mortality Schedules
Military Records:
- 1813 Pension List
- 1818 Pensioners Of The United States
- 1820 Pension List For Revolutionary or Military Services
- 1840 Census of Pensioners
- 1883 Pensioners on the Roll
- Revolutionary War Pensioners Struck Off The Roll
- World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing
- And many more...
Vital Records:
- American Marriage Records Before 1699
- New York Marriage Licenses Previous To 1784
- 1847-1849 New York State Vital Records
- James N. Arnold Collection of Rhode Island Vital Records: 1636 - 1850
- Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records
- Massachusetts Vital Records
- New Hampshire Vital Records
- New Jersey Vital Records
- Vermont Vital Records
Genealogy Websites We Own
- American Wars - A Complete History of the wars fought on United States soil.
- My Free Census - A great Census Directory.
- New Horizons Genealogy Blog
- Hale Collection of Connecticut Cemetery Inscriptions
- Mortality Schedules